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Four Tracks of Study


1. Start-up Business Building Track

  • Enroll IES406 Startup Business Building for 9 credits and IESxxx IE Technical Elective for 3 credits in the 2nd semester of the 4th year

  • Procedure of IES406 Startup Business Building 

    • Start to build start-up business earliest since the second year and finish it by the fourth year

    • Has the start-up business advisor from IESL program

    • Join 88 Sandbox (Start-up business platform) of Thammasat University

    • Be trained for start-up business building by 88Sandbox

  • Organize a team with knowledge and backgrounds necessary for start-up business building

  • Generate idea 

    • Use Smart technologies to solve Logistics problems is the key target

    • Prepare a proposal explaining the business directions with innovations, business plan, target venture capitals, target business consultant, marketing plan, and a plan for expanding customer base. 

  • Build prototype of the technologies based on the plan

  • Let target customers use the developed technologies

  • Participate in Business Pitching sessions organized by 88Sandbox

  • Passed all procedures of start-up business building and got satisfactory outcomes, students will get 9 credits from Start-up Business Building course

2. Full-time On the Job Training Track

  • Enroll IES 404 Full-time on the Job Training in Industries course for 12 credits

  • Do full-time work in industries every day for the last semester of the bachelor program

  • Solve real problems in industries that SIIT advisor and industrial supervisor are identified

  • Receive consultation from both advisor and supervisor 

    • Get knowledge from advisor

    • Get experiences from supervisor

  • Receive a per diem from industries 

  • Students may get a job offered from industries and continue working there seamlessly


3. Overseas Exchange Track

  • Apply for exchange study to a University abroad under collaborations

  • Enroll IES304 Industrial Engineering Training for 1 credit in the summer semester of the 3rd year

  • Enroll 11 credits at SIIT in the 2nd semester of 4th year

    • IES402 Special Studies in IE I for 3 credits

    • IES405 Special Studies in IE III for 2 credits

    • IESxxx IE Technical Elective for 6 credits

  • Enroll equivalent courses at University abroad

  • Transfer Credits from University abroad to SIIT (dependent on the grade obtained)

  • Enjoy culture and experiences abroad

     4. Senior Project Track

  • Enroll 

    • IES304 Industrial Engineering Training for 1 credit in the summer semester of the 3rd year,

    • IES305 Industrial Engineering Project I for 1 credit at 1st semester of 4th year,

    • IES401 Industrial Engineering Project II for 4 credits, and 

    • IESxxx IE Technical Elective(s) for 6 credits at 2nd semester of 4th year

  • Most projects are related to real applications of IESL knowledge and techniques in industries.

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