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Faculty Member





Pannakkong, W., Parthanadee, P., & Buddhakulsomsiri, J. (2022). Impacts of harvesting age and pricing schemes on economic sustainability of cassava farmers in Thailand under market uncertainty. Sustainability, 14(13), 7768.


Singha, K., Buddhakulsomsiri, J., & Parthanadee, P. (2022). A two-stage method to determine parameters of (R, Q) inventory policy with storage capacity for a single item and multiple items. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 43(3), 366-394.


Pannakkong, W., Thiwa-Anont, K., Singthong, K., Parthanadee, P., & Buddhakulsomsiri, J. (2022). Hyperparameter tuning of machine learning algorithms using response surface methodology: a case study of ANN, SVM, and DBN. Mathematical problems in engineering, 2022, 1-17.


Lilavanichakul, A., Parthanadee, P., & Wiratchai, A. (2021). Exploring the relationship between activity cost and aroma loss of Hom Mali rice during post-harvest stage. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 42(1), 15-24.


Leelertkij, T., Parthanadee, P., & Buddhakulsomsiri, J. (2021). Vehicle routing problem with transshipment: mathematical model and algorithm. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021, 1-15.


Singha, K., Buddhakulsomsiri, J., & Parthanadee, P. (2019). Computational experiment of methods to determine periodic (R, Q) inventory policy parameters: a case study of information decentralised distribution network. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 32(2), 212-242.


Buddhakulsomsiri, J., Parthanadee, P., & Pannakkong, W. (2018). Prediction models of starch content in fresh cassava roots for a tapioca starch manufacturer in Thailand. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 154, 296-303.

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