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Faculty Member






Phone Extension: 6002


  • B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

  • M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

  • M.Sc. in Industrial and Operations Engineering, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

  • M.B.A. in Finance, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand

  • Ph.D. in Operations Management, the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA


  • 2008-Present: SIIT

  • 2002-2007: Teaching/Research Associate, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

  • 2000-2002: Project Manager, Associate Maintenance Manager, Johnson & Johnson

  • 1996-2000: Engineering Specialist, Shin Satellite Public Company Limited

  • 1992: Engineer, TelecomAsia Public Company Limited


  • Bertauche Endowment Fellowship, University of Washington

  • Evert McCabe Fellowship, University of Washington

  • 1996-2000: Engineering Specialist, Shin Satellite Public Company Limited

  • 1992: Engineer, TelecomAsia Public Company Limited


Operations management, Supply chain management, E-Business, E-Word of Mouth, Project management, Inventory management, Game theory, Business competition.​


Dual-Channel Supply Chain


With the introduction of the Internet, firms can introduce a web-based channel to sell products directly to the consumers and this channel competes directly with the traditional channel: retailer stores. The research aims to study the outcomes of the competition under demand uncertainty and how to maximize the total supply chain profit. The coordination mechanism between the channels is analyzed and proposed.


Rental Service Operations


By using the on-line historical customer information, the rental service can learn the behavior of each customer. The behavior of customers, such as rental duration, is used by the firm to better manage the rental service operation. The research aims to find dynamic optimal allocation policy to allocate limited rental items, such as DVDs, among customers classified by rental duration under the fixed-price scheme.


  • Ad hoc reviewer for Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, and Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology

  • Member of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

  • Member of Decision Science Institute (DSI)


Kato, T., & Dumrongsiri, A. (2022). Designing freemium with usage limitation: When is it a viable strategy?. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 53, 101153.


Rattanamanee, T., Nanthavanij, S., & Dumrongsiri, A. (2021). Solution approaches for multi-workday vehicle routing problem with manual unloading. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 39(3), 340-360.


Rattanamanee, T., Nanthavanij, S., & Dumrongsiri, A. (2020). Heuristic procedure for multi-workday vehicle routing problem with pre-assigned workers and manual unloading. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 27(3).


Tantiwattanakul, P., & Dumrongsiri, A. (2019). Supply chain coordination using wholesale prices with multiple products, multiple periods, and multiple retailers: Bi-level optimization approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 131, 391-407.


Le, C. T. D., Buddhakulsomsiri, J., Jeenanunta, C., & Dumrongsiri, A. (2019). Determining an optimal warehouse location, capacity, and product allocation in a multi-product, multi-period distribution network: a case study. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 34(4), 510-532.


Tantiwattanakul, P., & Dumrongsiri, A. (2019). Multi-period supply chain coordination using trade promotion: complementary slackness approach. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 26(4).


Dumrongsiri, A., & Chongphaisal, P. (2018). Nurse scheduling in a hospital emergency department: A case study at a Thai university hospital. Songklanakarin Journal of Science & Technology, 40(1).

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